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2024-08-24 23:08:42 +03:00
{"version":3,"file":"gsap.min.js","sources":["../src/gsap-core.js","../src/CSSPlugin.js","../src/index.js"],"sourcesContent":["/*!\n * GSAP 3.7.1\n * https://greensock.com\n *\n * @license Copyright 2008-2021, GreenSock. All rights reserved.\n * Subject to the terms at https://greensock.com/standard-license or for\n * Club GreenSock members, the agreement issued with that membership.\n * @author: Jack Doyle, jack@greensock.com\n*/\n/* eslint-disable */\n\nlet _config = {\n\t\tautoSleep: 120,\n\t\tforce3D: \"auto\",\n\t\tnullTargetWarn: 1,\n\t\tunits: {lineHeight:\"\"}\n\t},\n\t_defaults = {\n\t\tduration: .5,\n\t\toverwrite: false,\n\t\tdelay: 0\n\t},\n\t_suppressOverwrites,\n\t_bigNum = 1e8,\n\t_tinyNum = 1 / _bigNum,\n\t_2PI = Math.PI * 2,\n\t_HALF_PI = _2PI / 4,\n\t_gsID = 0,\n\t_sqrt = Math.sqrt,\n\t_cos = Math.cos,\n\t_sin = Math.sin,\n\t_isString = value => typeof(value) === \"string\",\n\t_isFunction = value => typeof(value) === \"function\",\n\t_isNumber = value => typeof(value) === \"number\",\n\t_isUndefined = value => typeof(value) === \"undefined\",\n\t_isObject = value => typeof(value) === \"object\",\n\t_isNotFalse = value => value !== false,\n\t_windowExists = () => typeof(window) !== \"undefined\",\n\t_isFuncOrString = value => _isFunction(value) || _isString(value),\n\t_isTypedArray = (typeof ArrayBuffer === \"function\" && ArrayBuffer.isView) || function() {}, // note: IE10 has ArrayBuffer, but NOT ArrayBuffer.isView().\n\t_isArray = Array.isArray,\n\t_strictNumExp = /(?:-?\\.?\\d|\\.)+/gi, //only numbers (including negatives and decimals) but NOT relative values.\n\t_numExp = /[-+=.]*\\d+[.e\\-+]*\\d*[e\\-+]*\\d*/g, //finds any numbers, including ones that start with += or -=, negative numbers, and ones in scientific notation like 1e-8.\n\t_numWithUnitExp = /[-+=.]*\\d+[.e-]*\\d*[a-z%]*/g,\n\t_complexStringNumExp = /[-+=.]*\\d+\\.?\\d*(?:e-|e\\+)?\\d*/gi, //duplicate so that while we're looping through matches from exec(), it doesn't contaminate the lastIndex of _numExp which we use to search for colors too.\n\t_relExp = /[+-]=-?[.\\d]+/,\n\t_delimitedValueExp = /[^,'\"\\[\\]\\s]+/gi, // previously /[#\\-+.]*\\b[a-z\\d\\-=+%.]+/gi but didn't catch special characters.\n\t_unitExp = /[\\d.+\\-=]+(?:e[-+]\\d*)*/i,\n\t_globalTimeline, _win, _coreInitted, _doc,\n\t_globals = {},\n\t_installScope = {},\n\t_coreReady,\n\t_install = scope => (_installScope = _merge(scope, _globals)) && gsap,\n\t_missingPlugin = (property, value) => console.warn(\"Invalid property\", property, \"set to\", value, \"Missing plugin? gsap.registerPlugin()\"),\n\t_warn = (message, suppress) => !suppress && console.warn(message),\n\t_addGlobal = (name, obj) => (name && (_globals[name] = obj) && (_installScope && (_installScope[name] = obj))) || _globals,\n\t_emptyFunc = () => 0,\n\t_reservedProps = {},\n\t_lazyTweens = [],\n\t_lazyLookup = {},\n\t_lastRenderedFrame,\n\t_plugins = {},\n\t_effects = {},\n\t_nextGCFrame = 30,\n\t_harnessPlugins = [],\n\t_callbackNames = \"\",\n\t_harness = targets => {\n\t\tlet target = targets[0],\n\t\t\tharnessPlugin, i;\n\t\t_isObject(target) || _isFunction(target) || (targets = [targets]);\n\t\tif (!(harnessPlugin = (target._gsap || {}).harness)) { // find the first target with a harness. We assume targets passed into an animation will be of similar type, meaning the same kind of harness can be used for them all (performance optimization)\n\t\t\ti = _harnessPlugins.length;\n\t\t\twhile (i-- && !_harnessPlugins[i].targetTest(target)) {\t}\n\t\t\tharnessPlugin = _harnessPlugins[i];\n\t\t}\n\t\ti = targets.length;\n\t\twhile (i--) {\n\t\t\t(targets[i] && (targets[i]._gsap || (targets[i]._gsap = new GSCache(targets[i], harnessPlugin)))) || targets.splice(i, 1);\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn targets;\n\t},\n\t_getCache = target => target._gsap || _harness(toArray(target))[0]._gsap,\n\t_getProperty = (target, property, v) => (v = target[property]) && _isFunction(v) ? target[property]() : (_isUndefined(v) && target.getAttribute && target.getAttribute(property)) || v,\n\t_forEachName = (names, func) => ((names = name