761 lines
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761 lines
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* MotionPathPlugin 3.7.1
* https://greensock.com
* @license Copyright 2021, GreenSock. All rights reserved.
* Subject to the terms at https://greensock.com/standard-license or for Club GreenSock members, the agreement issued with that membership.
* @author: Jack Doyle, jack@greensock.com
!(function (t, e) {
'object' == typeof exports && 'undefined' != typeof module ? e(exports) : 'function' == typeof define && define.amd ? define(['exports'], e) : e(((t = t || self).window = t.window || {}));
})(this, function (t) {
'use strict';
function p(t) {
return 'string' == typeof t;
function x(t) {
return Math.round(1e10 * t) / 1e10 || 0;
function y(t, e, n, r) {
var a = t[e],
o = 1 === r ? 6 : subdivideSegment(a, n, r);
if (o && o + n + 2 < a.length) return t.splice(e, 0, a.slice(0, n + o + 2)), a.splice(0, n + o), 1;
function C(t, e) {
var n = t.length,
r = t[n - 1] || [],
a = r.length;
n && e[0] === r[a - 2] && e[1] === r[a - 1] && ((e = r.concat(e.slice(2))), n--), (t[n] = e);
var M = /[achlmqstvz]|(-?\d*\.?\d*(?:e[\-+]?\d+)?)[0-9]/gi,
T = /(?:(-)?\d*\.?\d*(?:e[\-+]?\d+)?)[0-9]/gi,
L = /[\+\-]?\d*\.?\d+e[\+\-]?\d+/gi,
r = /(^[#\.][a-z]|[a-y][a-z])/i,
q = Math.PI / 180,
s = 180 / Math.PI,
F = Math.sin,
U = Math.cos,
H = Math.abs,
$ = Math.sqrt,
S = Math.atan2,
A = 1e8,
l = function _isNumber(t) {
return 'number' == typeof t;
N = {},
_ = {},
e = 1e5,
d = function _wrapProgress(t) {
return Math.round(((t + A) % 1) * e) / e || (t < 0 ? 0 : 1);
B = function _round(t) {
return Math.round(t * e) / e || 0;
m = function _getSampleIndex(t, e, n) {
var r = t.length,
a = ~~(n * r);
if (t[a] > e) for (; --a && t[a] > e; );
else for (; t[++a] < e && a < r; );
return a;
O = function _copyMetaData(t, e) {
return (e.totalLength = t.totalLength), t.samples ? ((e.samples = t.samples.slice(0)), (e.lookup = t.lookup.slice(0)), (e.minLength = t.minLength), (e.resolution = t.resolution)) : t.totalPoints && (e.totalPoints = t.totalPoints), e;
function getRawPath(t) {
var e,
n = (t = (p(t) && r.test(t) && document.querySelector(t)) || t).getAttribute ? t : 0;
return n && (t = t.getAttribute('d')) ? (n._gsPath || (n._gsPath = {}), (e = n._gsPath[t]) && !e._dirty ? e : (n._gsPath[t] = stringToRawPath(t))) : t ? (p(t) ? stringToRawPath(t) : l(t[0]) ? [t] : t) : console.warn('Expecting a <path> element or an SVG path data string');
function reverseSegment(t) {
var e,
n = 0;
for (t.reverse(); n < t.length; n += 2) (e = t[n]), (t[n] = t[n + 1]), (t[n + 1] = e);
t.reversed = !t.reversed;
var I = { rect: 'rx,ry,x,y,width,height', circle: 'r,cx,cy', ellipse: 'rx,ry,cx,cy', line: 'x1,x2,y1,y2' };
function convertToPath(t, e) {
var n,
R = t.tagName.toLowerCase(),
L = 0.552284749831;
return 'path' !== R && t.getBBox
? ((s = (function _createPath(t, e) {
var n,
r = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'path'),
a = [].slice.call(t.attributes),
o = a.length;
for (e = ',' + e + ','; -1 < --o; ) (n = a[o].nodeName.toLowerCase()), e.indexOf(',' + n + ',') < 0 && r.setAttributeNS(null, n, a[o].nodeValue);
return r;
})(t, 'x,y,width,height,cx,cy,rx,ry,r,x1,x2,y1,y2,points')),
(M = (function _attrToObj(t, e) {
for (var n = e ? e.split(',') : [], r = {}, a = n.length; -1 < --a; ) r[n[a]] = +t.getAttribute(n[a]) || 0;
return r;
})(t, I[R])),
'rect' === R ? ((o = M.rx), (i = M.ry || o), (r = M.x), (a = M.y), (g = M.width - 2 * o), (f = M.height - 2 * i), (n = o || i ? 'M' + (v = (d = (p = r + o) + g) + o) + ',' + (y = a + i) + ' V' + (P = y + f) + ' C' + [v, (w = P + i * L), (m = d + o * L), (b = P + i), d, b, d - (d - p) / 3, b, p + (d - p) / 3, b, p, b, (c = r + o * (1 - L)), b, r, w, r, P, r, P - (P - y) / 3, r, y + (P - y) / 3, r, y, r, (x = a + i * (1 - L)), c, a, p, a, p + (d - p) / 3, a, d - (d - p) / 3, a, d, a, m, a, v, x, v, y].join(',') + 'z' : 'M' + (r + g) + ',' + a + ' v' + f + ' h' + -g + ' v' + -f + ' h' + g + 'z')) : 'circle' === R || 'ellipse' === R ? ((h = 'circle' === R ? (o = i = M.r) * L : ((o = M.rx), (i = M.ry) * L)), (n = 'M' + ((r = M.cx) + o) + ',' + (a = M.cy) + ' C' + [r + o, a + h, r + (l = o * L), a + i, r, a + i, r - l, a + i, r - o, a + h, r - o, a, r - o, a - h, r - l, a - i, r, a - i, r + l, a - i, r + o, a - h, r + o, a].join(',') + 'z')) : 'line' === R ? (n = 'M' + M.x1 + ',' + M.y1 + ' L' + M.x2 + ',' + M.y2) : ('polyline' !== R && 'polygon' !== R) || ((n = 'M' + (r = (u = (t.getAttribute('points') + '').match(T) || []).shift()) + ',' + (a = u.shift()) + ' L' + u.join(',')), 'polygon' === R && (n += ',' + r + ',' + a + 'z')),
s.setAttribute('d', rawPathToString((s._gsRawPath = stringToRawPath(n)))),
e && t.parentNode && (t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t), t.parentNode.removeChild(t)),
: t;
function getRotationAtBezierT(t, e, n) {
var r,
a = t[e],
o = t[e + 2],
i = t[e + 4];
return (a += (o - a) * n), (a += ((o += (i - o) * n) - a) * n), (r = o + (i + (t[e + 6] - i) * n - o) * n - a), (a = t[e + 1]), (a += ((o = t[e + 3]) - a) * n), (a += ((o += ((i = t[e + 5]) - o) * n) - a) * n), B(S(o + (i + (t[e + 7] - i) * n - o) * n - a, r) * s);
function sliceRawPath(t, e, n) {
(n = (function _isUndefined(t) {
return void 0 === t;
? 1
: x(n) || 0),
(e = x(e) || 0);
var r = Math.max(0, ~~(H(n - e) - 1e-8)),
a = (function copyRawPath(t) {
for (var e = [], n = 0; n < t.length; n++) e[n] = O(t[n], t[n].slice(0));
return O(t, e);
if (
(n < e &&
((e = 1 - e),
(n = 1 - n),
(function _reverseRawPath(t, e) {
var n = t.length;
for (e || t.reverse(); n--; ) t[n].reversed || reverseSegment(t[n]);
(a.totalLength = 0)),
e < 0 || n < 0)
) {
var o = Math.abs(~~Math.min(e, n)) + 1;
(e += o), (n += o);
a.totalLength || cacheRawPathMeasurements(a);
var i,
p = 1 < n,
d = getProgressData(a, e, N, !0),
m = getProgressData(a, n, _),
v = m.segment,
P = d.segment,
w = m.segIndex,
b = d.segIndex,
M = m.i,
R = d.i,
L = b === w,
T = M === R && L;
if (p || r) {
for (i = w < b || (L && M < R) || (T && m.t < d.t), y(a, b, R, d.t) && (b++, i || (w++, T ? ((m.t = (m.t - d.t) / (1 - d.t)), (M = 0)) : L && (M -= R))), 1 - (n - e) < 1e-5 ? (w = b - 1) : !m.t && w ? w-- : y(a, w, M, m.t) && i && b++, 1 === d.t && (b = (b + 1) % a.length), u = [], f = 1 + (g = a.length) * r, f += (g - (c = b) + w) % g, h = 0; h < f; h++) C(u, a[c++ % g]);
a = u;
} else if (((l = 1 === m.t ? 6 : subdivideSegment(v, M, m.t)), e !== n)) for (s = subdivideSegment(P, R, T ? d.t / m.t : d.t), L && (l += s), v.splice(M + l + 2), (s || R) && P.splice(0, R + s), h = a.length; h--; ) (h < b || w < h) && a.splice(h, 1);
else (v.angle = getRotationAtBezierT(v, M + l, 0)), (d = v[(M += l)]), (m = v[M + 1]), (v.length = v.totalLength = 0), (v.totalPoints = a.totalPoints = 8), v.push(d, m, d, m, d, m, d, m);
return (a.totalLength = 0), a;
function measureSegment(t, e, n) {
(e = e || 0), t.samples || ((t.samples = []), (t.lookup = []));
var r,
P = ~~t.resolution || 12,
w = 1 / P,
b = n ? e + 6 * n + 1 : t.length,
M = t[e],
R = t[e + 1],
L = e ? (e / 6) * P : 0,
T = t.samples,
S = t.lookup,
N = (e ? t.minLength : A) || A,
_ = T[L + n * P - 1],
C = e ? T[L - 1] : 0;
for (T.length = S.length = 0, a = e + 2; a < b; a += 6) {
if (((o = t[a + 4] - M), (i = t[a + 2] - M), (s = t[a] - M), (u = t[a + 5] - R), (g = t[a + 3] - R), (f = t[a + 1] - R), (l = h = c = p = 0), H(o) < 0.01 && H(u) < 0.01 && H(s) + H(f) < 0.01)) 8 < t.length && (t.splice(a, 6), (a -= 6), (b -= 6));
else for (r = 1; r <= P; r++) (l = h - (h = ((m = w * r) * m * o + 3 * (d = 1 - m) * (m * i + d * s)) * m)), (c = p - (p = (m * m * u + 3 * d * (m * g + d * f)) * m)), (x = $(c * c + l * l)) < N && (N = x), (C += x), (T[L++] = C);
(M += o), (R += u);
if (_) for (_ -= C; L < T.length; L++) T[L] += _;
if (T.length && N) {
if (((t.totalLength = y = T[T.length - 1] || 0), y / (t.minLength = N) < 9999)) for (x = v = 0, r = 0; r < y; r += N) S[x++] = T[v] < r ? ++v : v;
} else t.totalLength = T[0] = 0;
return e ? C - T[e / 2 - 1] : C;
function cacheRawPathMeasurements(t, e) {
var n, r, a;
for (a = n = r = 0; a < t.length; a++) (t[a].resolution = ~~e || 12), (r += t[a].length), (n += measureSegment(t[a]));
return (t.totalPoints = r), (t.totalLength = n), t;
function subdivideSegment(t, e, n) {
if (n <= 0 || 1 <= n) return 0;
var r = t[e],
a = t[e + 1],
o = t[e + 2],
i = t[e + 3],
s = t[e + 4],
l = t[e + 5],
h = r + (o - r) * n,
u = o + (s - o) * n,
g = a + (i - a) * n,
f = i + (l - i) * n,
c = h + (u - h) * n,
p = g + (f - g) * n,
d = s + (t[e + 6] - s) * n,
m = l + (t[e + 7] - l) * n;
return (u += (d - u) * n), (f += (m - f) * n), t.splice(e + 2, 4, B(h), B(g), B(c), B(p), B(c + (u - c) * n), B(p + (f - p) * n), B(u), B(f), B(d), B(m)), t.samples && t.samples.splice(((e / 6) * t.resolution) | 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 6;
function getProgressData(t, e, n, r) {
(n = n || {}), t.totalLength || cacheRawPathMeasurements(t), (e < 0 || 1 < e) && (e = d(e));
var a,
g = 0,
f = t[0];
if (e)
if (1 === e) (u = 1), (h = (f = t[(g = t.length - 1)]).length - 8);
else {
if (1 < t.length) {
for (i = t.totalLength * e, l = h = 0; (l += t[h++].totalLength) < i; ) g = h;
e = (i - (s = l - (f = t[g]).totalLength)) / (l - s) || 0;
(a = f.samples), (o = f.resolution), (i = f.totalLength * e), (s = (h = f.lookup.length ? f.lookup[~~(i / f.minLength)] || 0 : m(a, i, e)) ? a[h - 1] : 0), (l = a[h]) < i && ((s = l), (l = a[++h])), (u = (1 / o) * ((i - s) / (l - s) + (h % o))), (h = 6 * ~~(h / o)), r && 1 === u && (h + 6 < f.length ? ((h += 6), (u = 0)) : g + 1 < t.length && ((h = u = 0), (f = t[++g])));
else (u = h = g = 0), (f = t[0]);
return (n.t = u), (n.i = h), (n.path = t), (n.segment = f), (n.segIndex = g), n;
function getPositionOnPath(t, e, n, r) {
var a,
c = t[0],
p = r || {};
if (((e < 0 || 1 < e) && (e = d(e)), 1 < t.length)) {
for (i = t.totalLength * e, l = h = 0; (l += t[h++].totalLength) < i; ) c = t[h];
e = (i - (s = l - c.totalLength)) / (l - s) || 0;
return (a = c.samples), (o = c.resolution), (i = c.totalLength * e), (s = (h = c.lookup.length ? c.lookup[e < 1 ? ~~(i / c.minLength) : c.lookup.length - 1] || 0 : m(a, i, e)) ? a[h - 1] : 0), (l = a[h]) < i && ((s = l), (l = a[++h])), (f = 1 - (u = (1 / o) * ((i - s) / (l - s) + (h % o)) || 0)), (g = c[(h = 6 * ~~(h / o))]), (p.x = B((u * u * (c[h + 6] - g) + 3 * f * (u * (c[h + 4] - g) + f * (c[h + 2] - g))) * u + g)), (p.y = B((u * u * (c[h + 7] - (g = c[h + 1])) + 3 * f * (u * (c[h + 5] - g) + f * (c[h + 3] - g))) * u + g)), n && (p.angle = c.totalLength ? getRotationAtBezierT(c, h, 1 <= u ? 1 - 1e-9 : u || 1e-9) : c.angle || 0), p;
function transformRawPath(t, e, n, r, a, o, i) {
for (var s, l, h, u, g, f = t.length; -1 < --f; ) for (l = (s = t[f]).length, h = 0; h < l; h += 2) (u = s[h]), (g = s[h + 1]), (s[h] = u * e + g * r + o), (s[h + 1] = u * n + g * a + i);
return (t._dirty = 1), t;
function arcToSegment(t, e, n, r, a, o, i, s, l) {
if (t !== s || e !== l) {
(n = H(n)), (r = H(r));
var h = (a % 360) * q,
u = U(h),
g = F(h),
f = Math.PI,
c = 2 * f,
p = (t - s) / 2,
d = (e - l) / 2,
m = u * p + g * d,
v = -g * p + u * d,
x = m * m,
y = v * v,
P = x / (n * n) + y / (r * r);
1 < P && ((n = $(P) * n), (r = $(P) * r));
var w = n * n,
b = r * r,
M = (w * b - w * y - b * x) / (w * y + b * x);
M < 0 && (M = 0);
var R = (o === i ? -1 : 1) * $(M),
L = ((n * v) / r) * R,
T = ((-r * m) / n) * R,
S = u * L - g * T + (t + s) / 2,
N = g * L + u * T + (e + l) / 2,
_ = (m - L) / n,
C = (v - T) / r,
A = (-m - L) / n,
B = (-v - T) / r,
O = _ * _ + C * C,
I = (C < 0 ? -1 : 1) * Math.acos(_ / $(O)),
E = (_ * B - C * A < 0 ? -1 : 1) * Math.acos((_ * A + C * B) / $(O * (A * A + B * B)));
isNaN(E) && (E = f), !i && 0 < E ? (E -= c) : i && E < 0 && (E += c), (I %= c), (E %= c);
var G,
D = Math.ceil(H(E) / (c / 4)),
X = [],
z = E / D,
k = ((4 / 3) * F(z / 2)) / (1 + U(z / 2)),
Z = u * n,
V = g * n,
Y = g * -r,
j = u * r;
for (G = 0; G < D; G++) (m = U((a = I + G * z))), (v = F(a)), (_ = U((a += z))), (C = F(a)), X.push(m - k * v, v + k * m, _ + k * C, C - k * _, _, C);
for (G = 0; G < X.length; G += 2) (m = X[G]), (v = X[G + 1]), (X[G] = m * Z + v * Y + S), (X[G + 1] = m * V + v * j + N);
return (X[G - 2] = s), (X[G - 1] = l), X;
function stringToRawPath(t) {
function Af(t, e, n, r) {
(u = (n - t) / 3), (g = (r - e) / 3), s.push(t + u, e + g, n - u, r - g, n, r);
var e,
m =
(t + '')
.replace(L, function (t) {
var e = +t;
return e < 1e-4 && -1e-4 < e ? 0 : e;
.match(M) || [],
v = [],
x = 0,
y = 0,
P = m.length,
w = 0,
b = 'ERROR: malformed path: ' + t;
if (!t || !isNaN(m[0]) || isNaN(m[1])) return console.log(b), v;
for (e = 0; e < P; e++)
if (((c = o), isNaN(m[e]) ? (i = (o = m[e].toUpperCase()) !== m[e]) : e--, (r = +m[e + 1]), (a = +m[e + 2]), i && ((r += x), (a += y)), e || ((l = r), (h = a)), 'M' === o)) s && (s.length < 8 ? --v.length : (w += s.length)), (x = l = r), (y = h = a), (s = [r, a]), v.push(s), (e += 2), (o = 'L');
else if ('C' === o) i || (x = y = 0), (s = s || [0, 0]).push(r, a, x + 1 * m[e + 3], y + 1 * m[e + 4], (x += 1 * m[e + 5]), (y += 1 * m[e + 6])), (e += 6);
else if ('S' === o) (u = x), (g = y), ('C' !== c && 'S' !== c) || ((u += x - s[s.length - 4]), (g += y - s[s.length - 3])), i || (x = y = 0), s.push(u, g, r, a, (x += 1 * m[e + 3]), (y += 1 * m[e + 4])), (e += 4);
else if ('Q' === o) (u = x + (2 / 3) * (r - x)), (g = y + (2 / 3) * (a - y)), i || (x = y = 0), (x += 1 * m[e + 3]), (y += 1 * m[e + 4]), s.push(u, g, x + (2 / 3) * (r - x), y + (2 / 3) * (a - y), x, y), (e += 4);
else if ('T' === o) (u = x - s[s.length - 4]), (g = y - s[s.length - 3]), s.push(x + u, y + g, r + (2 / 3) * (x + 1.5 * u - r), a + (2 / 3) * (y + 1.5 * g - a), (x = r), (y = a)), (e += 2);
else if ('H' === o) Af(x, y, (x = r), y), (e += 1);
else if ('V' === o) Af(x, y, x, (y = r + (i ? y - x : 0))), (e += 1);
else if ('L' === o || 'Z' === o) 'Z' === o && ((r = l), (a = h), (s.closed = !0)), ('L' === o || 0.5 < H(x - r) || 0.5 < H(y - a)) && (Af(x, y, r, a), 'L' === o && (e += 2)), (x = r), (y = a);
else if ('A' === o) {
if (((p = m[e + 4]), (d = m[e + 5]), (u = m[e + 6]), (g = m[e + 7]), (n = 7), 1 < p.length && (p.length < 3 ? ((g = u), (u = d), n--) : ((g = d), (u = p.substr(2)), (n -= 2)), (d = p.charAt(1)), (p = p.charAt(0))), (f = arcToSegment(x, y, +m[e + 1], +m[e + 2], +m[e + 3], +p, +d, (i ? x : 0) + 1 * u, (i ? y : 0) + 1 * g)), (e += n), f)) for (n = 0; n < f.length; n++) s.push(f[n]);
(x = s[s.length - 2]), (y = s[s.length - 1]);
} else console.log(b);
return (e = s.length) < 6 ? (v.pop(), (e = 0)) : s[0] === s[e - 2] && s[1] === s[e - 1] && (s.closed = !0), (v.totalPoints = w + e), v;
function flatPointsToSegment(t, e) {
void 0 === e && (e = 1);
for (var n = t[0], r = 0, a = [n, r], o = 2; o < t.length; o += 2) a.push(n, r, t[o], (r = ((t[o] - n) * e) / 2), (n = t[o]), -r);
return a;
function pointsToSegment(t, e, n) {
H(t[0] - t[2]) < 1e-4 && H(t[1] - t[3]) < 1e-4 && (t = t.slice(2));
var r,
v = t.length - 2,
x = +t[0],
y = +t[1],
P = +t[2],
w = +t[3],
b = [x, y, x, y],
M = P - x,
R = w - y,
L = Math.abs(t[v] - x) < 0.001 && Math.abs(t[v + 1] - y) < 0.001;
for (isNaN(n) && (n = Math.PI / 10), L && (t.push(P, w), (P = x), (w = y), (x = t[v - 2]), (y = t[v - 1]), t.unshift(x, y), (v += 4)), e = e || 0 === e ? +e : 1, s = 2; s < v; s += 2) (r = x), (a = y), (x = P), (y = w), (P = +t[s + 2]), (w = +t[s + 3]), (x === P && y === w) || ((p = (l = M) * l + (u = R) * u), (d = (M = P - x) * M + (R = w - y) * R), (m = (h = P - r) * h + (g = w - a) * g), (c = ((o = Math.acos((p + d - m) / $(4 * p * d))) / Math.PI) * e), (f = $(p) * c), (c *= $(d)), (x === r && y === a) || (n < o ? ((i = S(g, h)), b.push(B(x - U(i) * f), B(y - F(i) * f), B(x), B(y), B(x + U(i) * c), B(y + F(i) * c))) : ((i = S(u, l)), b.push(B(x - U(i) * f), B(y - F(i) * f)), (i = S(R, M)), b.push(B(x), B(y), B(x + U(i) * c), B(y + F(i) * c)))));
return x !== P || y !== w || b.length < 4 ? b.push(B(P), B(w), B(P), B(w)) : (b.length -= 2), L && (b.splice(0, 6), (b.length = b.length - 6)), b;
function rawPathToString(t) {
l(t[0]) && (t = [t]);
var e,
o = '',
i = t.length;
for (n = 0; n < i; n++) {
for (a = t[n], o += 'M' + B(a[0]) + ',' + B(a[1]) + ' C', e = a.length, r = 2; r < e; r++) o += B(a[r++]) + ',' + B(a[r++]) + ' ' + B(a[r++]) + ',' + B(a[r++]) + ' ' + B(a[r++]) + ',' + B(a[r]) + ' ';
a.closed && (o += 'z');
return o;
function R(t) {
var e = t.ownerDocument || t;
!(z in t.style) && 'msTransform' in t.style && (k = (z = 'msTransform') + 'Origin');
for (; e.parentNode && (e = e.parentNode); );
if (((v = window), (E = new j()), e)) {
(P = (c = e).documentElement), (w = e.body), ((G = c.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'g')).style.transform = 'none');
var n = e.createElement('div'),
r = e.createElement('div');
w.appendChild(n), n.appendChild(r), (n.style.position = 'static'), (n.style[z] = 'translate3d(0,0,1px)'), (D = r.offsetParent !== n), w.removeChild(n);
return e;
function X(t) {
return t.ownerSVGElement || ('svg' === (t.tagName + '').toLowerCase() ? t : null);
function Z(t, e) {
if (t.parentNode && (c || R(t))) {
var n = X(t),
r = n ? n.getAttribute('xmlns') || 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' : 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml',
a = n ? (e ? 'rect' : 'g') : 'div',
o = 2 !== e ? 0 : 100,
i = 3 === e ? 100 : 0,
s = 'position:absolute;display:block;pointer-events:none;margin:0;padding:0;',
l = c.createElementNS ? c.createElementNS(r.replace(/^https/, 'http'), a) : c.createElement(a);
return e && (n ? ((b = b || Z(t)), l.setAttribute('width', 0.01), l.setAttribute('height', 0.01), l.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + o + ',' + i + ')'), b.appendChild(l)) : (f || ((f = Z(t)).style.cssText = s), (l.style.cssText = s + 'width:0.1px;height:0.1px;top:' + i + 'px;left:' + o + 'px'), f.appendChild(l))), l;
throw 'Need document and parent.';
function aa(t, e) {
var n,
l = X(t),
h = t === l,
u = l ? V : Y,
g = t.parentNode;
if (t === v) return t;
if ((u.length || u.push(Z(t, 1), Z(t, 2), Z(t, 3)), (n = l ? b : f), l))
? ((o =
-(a = (function _getCTM(t) {
var e,
n = t.getCTM();
return n || ((e = t.style[z]), (t.style[z] = 'none'), t.appendChild(G), (n = G.getCTM()), t.removeChild(G), e ? (t.style[z] = e) : t.style.removeProperty(z.replace(/([A-Z])/g, '-$1').toLowerCase())), n;
})(t)).e / a.a),
(i = -a.f / a.d),
(r = E))
: ((a = t.getBBox()),
(o =
(r = (r = t.transform ? t.transform.baseVal : {}).numberOfItems
? 1 < r.numberOfItems
? (function _consolidate(t) {
for (var e = new j(), n = 0; n < t.numberOfItems; n++) e.multiply(t.getItem(n).matrix);
return e;
: r.getItem(0).matrix
: E).a *
a.x +
r.c * a.y),
(i = r.b * a.x + r.d * a.y)),
e && 'g' === t.tagName.toLowerCase() && (o = i = 0),
(h ? l : g).appendChild(n),
n.setAttribute('transform', 'matrix(' + r.a + ',' + r.b + ',' + r.c + ',' + r.d + ',' + (r.e + o) + ',' + (r.f + i) + ')');
else {
if (((o = i = 0), D)) for (r = t.offsetParent, a = t; (a = a && a.parentNode) && a !== r && a.parentNode; ) 4 < (v.getComputedStyle(a)[z] + '').length && ((o = a.offsetLeft), (i = a.offsetTop), (a = 0));
if ('absolute' !== (s = v.getComputedStyle(t)).position && 'fixed' !== s.position) for (r = t.offsetParent; g && g !== r; ) (o += g.scrollLeft || 0), (i += g.scrollTop || 0), (g = g.parentNode);
((a = n.style).top = t.offsetTop - i + 'px'), (a.left = t.offsetLeft - o + 'px'), (a[z] = s[z]), (a[k] = s[k]), (a.position = 'fixed' === s.position ? 'fixed' : 'absolute'), t.parentNode.appendChild(n);
return n;
function ba(t, e, n, r, a, o, i) {
return (t.a = e), (t.b = n), (t.c = r), (t.d = a), (t.e = o), (t.f = i), t;
var c,
z = 'transform',
k = z + 'Origin',
V = [],
Y = [],
j =
(((n = Matrix2D.prototype).inverse = function inverse() {
var t = this.a,
e = this.b,
n = this.c,
r = this.d,
a = this.e,
o = this.f,
i = t * r - e * n || 1e-10;
return ba(this, r / i, -e / i, -n / i, t / i, (n * o - r * a) / i, -(t * o - e * a) / i);
(n.multiply = function multiply(t) {
var e = this.a,
n = this.b,
r = this.c,
a = this.d,
o = this.e,
i = this.f,
s = t.a,
l = t.c,
h = t.b,
u = t.d,
g = t.e,
f = t.f;
return ba(this, s * e + h * r, s * n + h * a, l * e + u * r, l * n + u * a, o + g * e + f * r, i + g * n + f * a);
(n.clone = function clone() {
return new Matrix2D(this.a, this.b, this.c, this.d, this.e, this.f);
(n.equals = function equals(t) {
var e = this.a,
n = this.b,
r = this.c,
a = this.d,
o = this.e,
i = this.f;
return e === t.a && n === t.b && r === t.c && a === t.d && o === t.e && i === t.f;
(n.apply = function apply(t, e) {
void 0 === e && (e = {});
var n = t.x,
r = t.y,
a = this.a,
o = this.b,
i = this.c,
s = this.d,
l = this.e,
h = this.f;
return (e.x = n * a + r * i + l || 0), (e.y = n * o + r * s + h || 0), e;
function Matrix2D(t, e, n, r, a, o) {
void 0 === t && (t = 1), void 0 === e && (e = 0), void 0 === n && (n = 0), void 0 === r && (r = 1), void 0 === a && (a = 0), void 0 === o && (o = 0), ba(this, t, e, n, r, a, o);
function getGlobalMatrix(t, e, n, r) {
if (!t || !t.parentNode || (c || R(t)).documentElement === t) return new j();
var a = (function _forceNonZeroScale(t) {
for (var e, n; t && t !== w; ) (n = t._gsap) && n.uncache && n.get(t, 'x'), n && !n.scaleX && !n.scaleY && n.renderTransform && ((n.scaleX = n.scaleY = 1e-4), n.renderTransform(1, n), e ? e.push(n) : (e = [n])), (t = t.parentNode);
return e;
o = X(t) ? V : Y,
i = aa(t, n),
s = o[0].getBoundingClientRect(),
l = o[1].getBoundingClientRect(),
h = o[2].getBoundingClientRect(),
u = i.parentNode,
g =
!r &&
(function _isFixed(t) {
return 'fixed' === v.getComputedStyle(t).position || ((t = t.parentNode) && 1 === t.nodeType ? _isFixed(t) : void 0);
f = new j(
(l.left - s.left) / 100,
(l.top - s.top) / 100,
(h.left - s.left) / 100,
(h.top - s.top) / 100,
s.left +
? 0
: (function _getDocScrollLeft() {
return v.pageXOffset || c.scrollLeft || P.scrollLeft || w.scrollLeft || 0;
s.top +
? 0
: (function _getDocScrollTop() {
return v.pageYOffset || c.scrollTop || P.scrollTop || w.scrollTop || 0;
if ((u.removeChild(i), a)) for (s = a.length; s--; ) ((l = a[s]).scaleX = l.scaleY = 0), l.renderTransform(1, l);
return e ? f.inverse() : f;
function la(t, e, n, r) {
for (var a = e.length, o = 2 === r ? 0 : r, i = 0; i < a; i++) (t[o] = parseFloat(e[i][n])), 2 === r && (t[o + 1] = 0), (o += 2);
return t;
function ma(t, e, n) {
return parseFloat(t._gsap.get(t, e, n || 'px')) || 0;
function na(t) {
var e,
n = t[0],
r = t[1];
for (e = 2; e < t.length; e += 2) (n = t[e] += n), (r = t[e + 1] += r);
function oa(t, e, n, r, a, o, i, s, l) {
return (e = 'cubic' === i.type ? [e] : (!1 !== i.fromCurrent && e.unshift(ma(n, r, s), a ? ma(n, a, l) : 0), i.relative && na(e), [(a ? pointsToSegment : flatPointsToSegment)(e, i.curviness)])), (e = o(nt(e, n, i))), rt(t, n, r, e, 'x', s), a && rt(t, n, a, e, 'y', l), cacheRawPathMeasurements(e, i.resolution || (0 === i.curviness ? 20 : 12));
function pa(t) {
return t;
function ra(t, e, n) {
var r,
i = getGlobalMatrix(t);
return 'svg' === (t.tagName + '').toLowerCase() ? ((a = (r = t.viewBox.baseVal).x), (o = r.y), r.width || (r = { width: +t.getAttribute('width'), height: +t.getAttribute('height') })) : ((r = e && t.getBBox && t.getBBox()), (a = o = 0)), e && 'auto' !== e && ((a += e.push ? e[0] * (r ? r.width : t.offsetWidth || 0) : e.x), (o += e.push ? e[1] * (r ? r.height : t.offsetHeight || 0) : e.y)), n.apply(a || o ? i.apply({ x: a, y: o }) : { x: i.e, y: i.f });
function sa(t, e, n, r) {
var a,
o = getGlobalMatrix(t.parentNode, !0, !0),
i = o.clone().multiply(getGlobalMatrix(e)),
s = ra(t, n, o),
l = ra(e, r, o),
h = l.x,
u = l.y;
return (i.e = i.f = 0), 'auto' === r && e.getTotalLength && 'path' === e.tagName.toLowerCase() && ((a = e.getAttribute('d').match(et) || []), (h += (a = i.apply({ x: +a[0], y: +a[1] })).x), (u += a.y)), (a || (e.getBBox && t.getBBox && e.ownerSVGElement === t.ownerSVGElement)) && ((h -= (a = i.apply(e.getBBox())).x), (u -= a.y)), (i.e = h - s.x), (i.f = u - s.y), i;
var Q,
K = 'x,translateX,left,marginLeft,xPercent'.split(','),
tt = 'y,translateY,top,marginTop,yPercent'.split(','),
o = Math.PI / 180,
et = /[-+\.]*\d+[\.e\-\+]*\d*[e\-\+]*\d*/g,
nt = function _align(t, e, n) {
var r,
i = n.align,
s = n.matrix,
l = n.offsetX,
h = n.offsetY,
u = n.alignOrigin,
g = t[0][0],
f = t[0][1],
c = ma(e, 'x'),
p = ma(e, 'y');
return t && t.length ? (i && ('self' === i || (r = J(i)[0] || e) === e ? transformRawPath(t, 1, 0, 0, 1, c - g, p - f) : (u && !1 !== u[2] ? Q.set(e, { transformOrigin: 100 * u[0] + '% ' + 100 * u[1] + '%' }) : (u = [ma(e, 'xPercent') / -100, ma(e, 'yPercent') / -100]), (o = (a = sa(e, r, u, 'auto')).apply({ x: g, y: f })), transformRawPath(t, a.a, a.b, a.c, a.d, c + a.e - (o.x - a.e), p + a.f - (o.y - a.f)))), s ? transformRawPath(t, s.a, s.b, s.c, s.d, s.e, s.f) : (l || h) && transformRawPath(t, 1, 0, 0, 1, l || 0, h || 0), t) : getRawPath('M0,0L0,0');
rt = function _addDimensionalPropTween(t, e, n, r, a, o) {
var i = e._gsap,
s = i.harness,
l = s && s.aliases && s.aliases[n],
h = l && l.indexOf(',') < 0 ? l : n,
u = (t._pt = new g(t._pt, e, h, 0, 0, pa, 0, i.set(e, h, t)));
(u.u = W(i.get(e, h, o)) || 0), (u.path = r), (u.pp = a), t._props.push(h);
a = {
version: '3.7.1',
name: 'motionPath',
register: function register(t, e, n) {
(W = (Q = t).utils.getUnit), (J = Q.utils.toArray), (g = n);
init: function init(t, e) {
if (!Q) return console.warn('Please gsap.registerPlugin(MotionPathPlugin)'), !1;
('object' == typeof e && !e.style && e.path) || (e = { path: e });
var n,
a = [],
o = e.path,
i = e.autoRotate,
s = e.unitX,
l = e.unitY,
h = e.x,
u = e.y,
g = o[0],
f = (function _sliceModifier(e, n) {
return function (t) {
return e || 1 !== n ? sliceRawPath(t, e, n) : t;
})(e.start, 'end' in e ? e.end : 1);
if (((this.rawPaths = a), (this.target = t), (this.rotate = i || 0 === i) && ((this.rOffset = parseFloat(i) || 0), (this.radians = !!e.useRadians), (this.rProp = e.rotation || 'rotation'), (this.rSet = t._gsap.set(t, this.rProp, this)), (this.ru = W(t._gsap.get(t, this.rProp)) || 0)), !Array.isArray(o) || 'closed' in o || 'number' == typeof g)) cacheRawPathMeasurements((n = f(nt(getRawPath(e.path), t, e))), e.resolution), a.push(n), rt(this, t, e.x || 'x', n, 'x', e.unitX || 'px'), rt(this, t, e.y || 'y', n, 'y', e.unitY || 'px');
else {
for (r in g) !h && ~K.indexOf(r) ? (h = r) : !u && ~tt.indexOf(r) && (u = r);
for (r in (h && u ? a.push(oa(this, la(la([], o, h, 0), o, u, 1), t, h, u, f, e, s || W(o[0][h]), l || W(o[0][u]))) : (h = u = 0), g)) r !== h && r !== u && a.push(oa(this, la([], o, r, 2), t, r, 0, f, e, W(o[0][r])));
render: function render(t, e) {
var n = e.rawPaths,
r = n.length,
a = e._pt;
for (1 < t ? (t = 1) : t < 0 && (t = 0); r--; ) getPositionOnPath(n[r], t, !r && e.rotate, n[r]);
for (; a; ) a.set(a.t, a.p, a.path[a.pp] + a.u, a.d, t), (a = a._next);
e.rotate && e.rSet(e.target, e.rProp, n[0].angle * (e.radians ? o : 1) + e.rOffset + e.ru, e, t);
getLength: function getLength(t) {
return cacheRawPathMeasurements(getRawPath(t)).totalLength;
sliceRawPath: sliceRawPath,
getRawPath: getRawPath,
pointsToSegment: pointsToSegment,
stringToRawPath: stringToRawPath,
rawPathToString: rawPathToString,
transformRawPath: transformRawPath,
getGlobalMatrix: getGlobalMatrix,
getPositionOnPath: getPositionOnPath,
cacheRawPathMeasurements: cacheRawPathMeasurements,
convertToPath: function convertToPath$1(t, e) {
return J(t).map(function (t) {
return convertToPath(t, !1 !== e);
convertCoordinates: function convertCoordinates(t, e, n) {
var r = getGlobalMatrix(e, !0, !0).multiply(getGlobalMatrix(t));
return n ? r.apply(n) : r;
getAlignMatrix: sa,
getRelativePosition: function getRelativePosition(t, e, n, r) {
var a = sa(t, e, n, r);
return { x: a.e, y: a.f };
arrayToRawPath: function arrayToRawPath(t, e) {
var n = la(la([], t, (e = e || {}).x || 'x', 0), t, e.y || 'y', 1);
return e.relative && na(n), ['cubic' === e.type ? n : pointsToSegment(n, e.curviness)];
!(function _getGSAP() {
return Q || ('undefined' != typeof window && (Q = window.gsap) && Q.registerPlugin && Q);
})() || Q.registerPlugin(a),
(t.MotionPathPlugin = a),
(t.default = a);
if (typeof window === 'undefined' || window !== t) {
Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 });
} else {
delete t.default;