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2024-08-24 23:08:42 +03:00
{"version":3,"file":"MotionPathPlugin.min.js","sources":["../src/utils/paths.js","../src/utils/matrix.js","../src/MotionPathPlugin.js"],"sourcesContent":["/*!\n * paths 3.7.1\n * https://greensock.com\n *\n * Copyright 2008-2021, GreenSock. All rights reserved.\n * Subject to the terms at https://greensock.com/standard-license or for\n * Club GreenSock members, the agreement issued with that membership.\n * @author: Jack Doyle, jack@greensock.com\n*/\n/* eslint-disable */\n\nlet _svgPathExp = /[achlmqstvz]|(-?\\d*\\.?\\d*(?:e[\\-+]?\\d+)?)[0-9]/ig,\n\t_numbersExp = /(?:(-)?\\d*\\.?\\d*(?:e[\\-+]?\\d+)?)[0-9]/ig,\n\t_scientific = /[\\+\\-]?\\d*\\.?\\d+e[\\+\\-]?\\d+/ig,\n\t_selectorExp = /(^[#\\.][a-z]|[a-y][a-z])/i,\n\t_DEG2RAD = Math.PI / 180,\n\t_RAD2DEG = 180 / Math.PI,\n\t_sin = Math.sin,\n\t_cos = Math.cos,\n\t_abs = Math.abs,\n\t_sqrt = Math.sqrt,\n\t_atan2 = Math.atan2,\n\t_largeNum = 1e8,\n\t_isString = value => typeof(value) === \"string\",\n\t_isNumber = value => typeof(value) === \"number\",\n\t_isUndefined = value => typeof(value) === \"undefined\",\n\t_temp = {},\n\t_temp2 = {},\n\t_roundingNum = 1e5,\n\t_wrapProgress = progress => (Math.round((progress + _largeNum) % 1 * _roundingNum) / _roundingNum) || ((progress < 0) ? 0 : 1), //if progress lands on 1, the % will make it 0 which is why we || 1, but not if it's negative because it makes more sense for motion to end at 0 in that case.\n\t_round = value => (Math.round(value * _roundingNum) / _roundingNum) || 0,\n\t_roundPrecise = value => (Math.round(value * 1e10) / 1e10) || 0,\n\t_splitSegment = (rawPath, segIndex, i, t) => {\n\t\tlet segment = rawPath[segIndex],\n\t\t\tshift = t === 1 ? 6 : subdivideSegment(segment, i, t);\n\t\tif (shift && shift + i + 2 < segment.length) {\n\t\t\trawPath.splice(segIndex, 0, segment.slice(0, i + shift + 2));\n\t\t\tsegment.splice(0, i + shift);\n\t\t\treturn 1;\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\t_getSampleIndex = (samples, length, progress) => {\n\t\t// slightly slower way than doing this (when there's no lookup): segment.lookup[progress < 1 ? ~~(length / segment.minLength) : segment.lookup.length - 1] || 0;\n\t\tlet l = samples.length,\n\t\t\ti = ~~(progress * l);\n\t\tif (samples[i] > length) {\n\t\t\twhile (--i && samples[i] > length) {}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\twhile (samples[++i] < length && i < l) {}\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn i;\n\t},\n\t_reverseRawPath = (rawPath, skipOuter) => {\n\t\tlet i = rawPath.length;\n\t\tskipOuter || rawPath.reverse();\n\t\twhile (i--) {\n\t\t\trawPath[i].reversed || reverseSegment(rawPath[i]);\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\t_copyMetaData = (source, copy) => {\n\t\tcopy.totalLength = source.totalLength;\n\t\tif (source.samples) { //segment\n\t\t\tcopy.samples = source.samples.slice(0);\n\t\t\tcopy.lookup = source.lookup.slice(0);\n\t\t\tcopy.minLength = source.minLength;\n\t\t\tcopy.resolution = source.resolution;\n\t\t} else if (source.totalPoints) { //rawPath\n\t\t\tcopy.totalPoints = source.totalPoints;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn copy;\n\t},\n\t//pushes a new segment into a rawPath, but if its starting values match the ending values of the last segment, it'll merge it into that same segment (to reduce the number of segments)\n\t_appendOrMerge = (rawPath, segment) => {\n\t\tlet index = rawPath.length,\n\t\t\tprevSeg = rawPath[index - 1] || [],\n\t\t\tl = prevSeg.length;\n\t\tif (index && segment[0] === prevSeg[l-2] && segment[1] === prevSeg[l-1]) {\n\t\t\tsegment = prevSeg.concat(segment.slice(2));\n\t\t\tindex--;\n\t\t}\n\t\trawPath[index] = segment;\n\t},\n\t_bestDistance;\n\n/* TERMINOLOGY\n - RawPath - an array of arrays, one for each Segment. A single RawPath could have multiple \"M\" commands, defining Segments (paths aren't always connected).\n - Segment - an array containing a sequence of Cubic Bezier coordinates in alternating x, y, x, y format. Starting anchor, then control point 1, control point 2, and ending anchor, then the next control point 1, control point 2, anchor, etc. Uses less memory than an array with a bunch of {x, y} points.\n - Bezier - a single cubic Bezier with a starting anchor, two control points, and an ending